Draft policy and practice guide presented and discussed at expert workshop

The workshop brought together twelve invited experts from practice and academia plus eight participants of the PROSO project. The workshop was carried out by DIALOGIK, PROSO coordinator, and took place in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 16th Nov 2017.

The purpose of the workshop was to discuss a first draft of the policy guide with representatives of the guide’s main target groups and researchers in the field of RRI and societal engagement. The following questions were in the centre of the discussion:

  • Does the guide cover the main barriers to the engagement of citizens and
    third sector actors?
  • What policy options to address barriers could be added?
  • What further examples of inspiring policy and practice cases could be

The discussion was inspired by short inputs on barriers and ways to address
barriers that were provided by six of the invited experts in the morning

These inputs and the lively discussions at the workshop have provided the
PROSO team with inspiring ideas and information on how to further improve
the guide. The PROSO team will produce a workshop report which will be
published on this website after a feedback round with the workshop