
On this site, you will find research results from the PROSO project in different formats, PROSO public relations material, and links to RRI-contributions from non-PROSO sources.

Results and findings

Support Tool for Promoting Societal Engagement

Articles and book chapters

Bauer, A., Bogner, A., & Fuchs, D. (2021). Rethinking societal engagement under the heading of Responsible Research and Innovation: (novel) requirements and challenges, Journal of Responsible Innovation, DOI:10.1080/23299460.2021.1909812

Dreyer, M., Kosow, H., Bauer, A., Chonkova, B., Kozarev, V. & Timotijevic, L. (2021). Public engagement with research: Citizens’ views on motivations, barriers and support. Research for All, 5 (2), 302–19. PDF

Dreyer, M., & Kosow, H. (2019). How to promote public engagement in research. Roots: Botanic Gardens Conservation International Education Review, 16(1), 12-14.

Fuchs, D., Bauer, A. & Bogner, A. (2021). Nur kein Protest? Eingeladene Partizipation und Bedingungen zivilgesellschaftlicher Beteiligung. In: R. Lindner, M. Decker, E. Ehrensperger, N. Heyen, S. Lingner, C. Scherz, & M. Sotoudeh (Eds.): Gesellschaftliche Transformationen. Gegenstand oder Aufgabe der Technikfolgenabschätzung. Edition Sigma, 231–244. DOI: 10.5771/9783748901556-231

Kosow, H., & Dreyer, M. (2021). Gesellschaftliche Beteiligung in der Forschung und die Transformation des Forschungssystems. In: R. Lindner, M. Decker, E. Ehrensperger, N. Heyen, S. Lingner, C. Scherz, & M. Sotoudeh (Eds.): Gesellschaftliche Transformationen. Gegenstand oder Aufgabe der Technikfolgenabschätzung. Edition Sigma, 219-230. DOI: 10.5771/9783748901556-231

Timotijevic, L. Hodgkins, C. E., Peacock, M. & Raats, M. (2021). Conceptualizing Responsibility in Food Research and Innovation to Promote Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems, In: Frontiers in sustainable food systems 5, 584-566 DOI: 10.3389/fsufs.2021.584566


Here you can find PROSO deliverables and other public documents presenting PROSO’s progress and findings for download.

Deliverable D2.1: Report on the expert workshop “Contemporary experiences with societal engagement under the terms of RRI”
Deliverable D2.2: Societal engagement under the terms of RRI
Deliverable D3.1: Protocol desk research barriers & incentives
Deliverable D3.2: Barriers and Incentives in three R&I domains
Deliverable D3.3: Synthesis report barriers and incentives
Deliverable D4.1: Methodology Citizen Panels
Manual – Citizen Panel Meetings
Material Bürgerpanel (erstes Treffen) Deutschland
Material Bürgerpanel (erstes Treffen) Österreich
Material do Painel de Cidadãos (primeiro encontro) Portugal
Materials Citizen Panel (first meeting) United Kingdom
Материал Първа стеща на граждански панел България
Deliverable D4.2: Citizen Panels National Reports
Deliverable D4.3: Synthesis Report on citizens’ views of engagement in research-related activities
Deliverable D5.1: Conference Information Package
Deliverable D5.2: Multi-Actor Conference Report
Deliverable D6.1: Expert Workshop Innovating Policies
Deliverable D6.2: Policy Guide
Deliverable D7.2: Project Website
Deliverable D7.3: Video Introducing Project
Deliverable D7.4: PROSO poster and brochure
Deliverable D7.5: PROSO Newsletter 1
Deliverable D7.6: PROSO Newsletter 2
Deliverable D7.7: PROSO Newsletter 3
Deliverable D7.8: Video of project results

Policy Briefs

Policy Brief: Responsible Research and Innovation – How to foster societal engagement with research?
Policy Brief: Societal engagement with research – Empowering by engaging?
Policy Brief: Engagement? Yes, if we are heard
Policy Brief: Mitreden? Ja, wenn wir auch gehört werden!

Communication material

Here you will find PROSO public relations material for download.

Poster: PROSO main outcome
Video introducing PROSO
Video showing the main outcome of PROSO
Poster: introducing PROSO
Brochure: introducing PROSO

Links to RRI repositories

You are interested in learning more about RRI? Then these RRI repositories will be helpful: