PROSO partners met in Coimbra for the Consortium Meeting

21 and 22 September 2017, Coimbra, Portugal

PROSO partner SPI hosted the consortium meeting which took place in Coimbra, Portugal. This consortium meeting had two main tasks: The first task was to agree on the structure and main contents of the policy and practice guide, the main outcome of PROSO. The second task was to develop the concept of the PROSO final conference and a draft conference agenda. Further, the PROSO partners further developed the project’s dissemination strategies.

PROSO Multi-Actor Conference “Engaging Society for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI): New Options to Move Forward”

19 June 2017, Brussels, Belgium

On June 19, 2017, a broad range of stakeholders including policy makers, research management and funding organizations, science education and communication actors, RRI researchers and third sector organizations from across Europe and beyond discussed innovative ways to promote the engagement of society with research and innovation (R&I) in Europe.

PROSO’s project officer Colombe Warin set the scene and spoke on societal engagement in Horizon 2020

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PROSO Consortium Meeting

8 and 9 September 2016, Glasgow, UK

On 8 and 9 September 2016, the PROSO partners met in Glasgow, Scotland, for a consortium meeting. The meeting was hosted by Mark Morrison (project partner OTPIMAT) and included dedicated training sessions offered by the teams of ARC Fund and SURREY to the PROSO partners carrying out national citizen panels (WP4) and stakeholder interviews (WP3). It was the final step in preparing for these activities of collection of data on barriers and incentives for the engagement of citizens and third sector organizations in different research and innovation contexts. Now, collection of data has started!


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Expert-Workshop „Contemporary experiences with societal engagement under RRI“

11 May 2016, Vienna, Austria

On 11 May 2016, the PROSO partner OeAW hosted the workshop “Contemporary experiences with societal engagement under the terms of RRI” at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. The workshop brought together a variety of academic experts, i.e. scholars involved in the conceptualization and advancement of RRI as well as from the area of Science and Technology Studies (STS), and representatives of funding agencies in Austria, The Netherlands and the UK to discuss how societal engagement should be (re-)conceptualized in the context of RRI.


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First PROSO Consortium Meeting (Kick-off)

19 -20 January 2016, Stuttgart, Germany

The PROSO partners and the PROSO Advisory Panel members met for the kick-off meeting of the project which was supported by Ms Colombe Warin, PROSO’s project adviser of the European Commission. Rainer Kuhn of DIALOGIK was invited as guest speaker and provided insights of the Horizon 2020 project ENGAGE2020. He spoke about “Current practice of policies and activities supporting engagement in research – trends, needs, barriers”.