Multi-Actor Conference on Engaging Society for Responsible Research and Innovation

19 June 2017, Brussels, Belgium

There are several barriers to mainstreaming societal engagement with research and innovation which need to be addressed: by dedicated research, science and technology policies. How these policies could look like was subject of lively discussions at the PROSO conference.

PROSO’s project officer Colombe Warin set the scene and spoke on societal engagement in Horizon 2020
The core of the conference were small group discussions on ways to lower barriers to and strengthen incentives for engagement of citizens and third sector organizations.

On June 19, 2017, a broad range of stakeholders including policy makers, research management and funding organizations, science education and communication actors, RRI researchers and third sector organizations from across Europe and beyond discussed innovative ways to promote the engagement of society with research and innovation (R&I) in Europe. The PROSO team presented preliminary results on barriers to citizens and TSO engagement with R&I and possible ways (policy and practice options) to address these barriers. The participants discussed barriers and policy/practice options in small groups with varying composition. The discussions in the break-out groups were very lively and highly productive and produced a wealth of inspiring and instructive thoughts on how to lower barriers and strengthen incentives – these will be an important input into the policy and practice guide which is PROSO’s main output. The guide will offer policy-makers, research funders and third sector organizations insights and inspiration around how to promote citizen and TSO engagement in European research systems.